Guide to Social Anxiety

Marissa Katrin Maldonado
2 min readDec 26, 2019
Guide to Social Anxiety
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Who hasn’t experienced the sheer terror of standing in front of a group to deliver a speech or try out for an extracurricular activity in school? Social anxiety disorder is the irrational fear of being judged or ridiculed publicly, and affects more than 7% of us each year. Breaking out into a sweat, blushing easily, trembling, a racing heart — all signs of emotional distress that accompany social anxiety.

Rooted in the fear of facing potential disapproval or harsh scrutiny, social anxiety can cause sufferers to withdraw into the safety of their own four walls. The resulting isolating behaviors can thwart life’s many possibilities, such as establishing new relationships or pursuing career possibilities. These individuals avoid any situation where they might be the center of attention, might be criticized, or have to socialize with strangers.

In addition to engaging in cognitive behavioral therapy, here are 5 tips to help manage social anxiety:

  1. Practice ahead of time. Picture yourself navigating a social situation in your mind, hand outstretched to greet others, and making eye contact.
  2. Take a friend. Having a buddy with you at social events can help ease the burden of making small talk.
  3. Check your body language. If you are standing in a remote corner with arms crossed and eyes downcast, correct your posture to be more welcoming.
  4. Role play. Practice social interactions, such as offering a compliment, smiling at someone, or just saying hello, with a friend, a therapist, or just in front of a mirror.
  5. Don’t automatically decline. Making up an excuse not to attend a social event is the reflexive coping method for someone with social anxiety. Take a pause before declining and push through those avoidance behaviors.

By Marissa Katrin Maldonado, Founder, The Treatment Specialist



Marissa Katrin Maldonado

Founder of The Treatment Specialist, a national resource for addiction & mental health treatment options.